User Research Specialists

Understand your user’s motives with UX research

In all approaches, design is at the heart of what we do. In that, user research is at the heart of design – you can’t create products for a user if you don’t know who that user is and what their needs are.
An illustration representing User Research the illustration contains two speech
An illustration representing User Research the illustration contains two speech
An illustration representing User Research the illustration contains two speech
An icon of two speech bubbles representing a conversation

User Interviews

Conduct detailed interviews either in-person or remotely with your users

Solve problems at any scale - from a single issue you want clarity on to a wider product challenge.

An icon of a finger pressing or tapping a button or user interface in reference to usability testing

Usability Testing

Get an unfiltered view of how your users behave.

Be it an app, website or any other digital interface, we’ll give you access to how users engage with your product.

an icon of a clipboard to represent surveys


Surveys collect statistically crucial data on a diverse range of topics.

They are carefully designed by our research team to be effective and reach your core user demographics.

an illustration of a dotted rectangle to help support the quote as a graphical element
For every $1 invested on average in UX, companies enjoy a $100 return. That equates to an ROI of 9,900%.
For every $1 invested on average in UX, companies enjoy a $100 return. That equates to an ROI of 9,900%.
For every $1 invested on average in UX, companies enjoy a $100 return. That equates to an ROI of 9,900%.
A graphical illustration in reference to the quote on the left hand side. The illustraiton shows a return on invested depicted by a dotted line going upwards
A graphical illustration in reference to the quote on the left hand side. The illustraiton shows a return on invested depicted by a dotted line going upwards

If you’re going to invest in your product, be smart and get it right the first time

Researching before work gets underway, or at crucial checkpoints will save you A LOT of headaches. Get support with your user recruitment, define objectives for success and choose methods that get you the insights you need.

Every client is unique, but our process helps define the tangible aspects of user research so you understand exactly how we’ll approach it.

An illustration of a magnifying glass and notice board on a blue diamond representing analysis of user research
An illustration of a magnifying glass and notice board on a blue diamond representing analysis of user research
An illustration of a magnifying glass and notice board on a blue diamond representing analysis of user research


Discovery is essential to fully understand your current position and your users to align your objectives with the correct research strategy.

No two research projects are the same. So, the research team will challenge assumptions and offer practical guidance to scope out what the best user research looks like for your organisation.


By using scientifically grounded user research methods, we’ll identify your user’s journey to map out their core drivers and intent.

We use a mixed-method approach that will give width and depth to your data making it both quantifiable and contextually rich.


Never underestimate the power of analysis. Breaking down raw data into meaningful assets is crucial. So, we synthesise the data to deliver the highest quality insights.

Of course, we make sure all your data is readily available and conforms to the highest levels of data protection.


The eureka moment. Pulling research findings together to create evidence-based insights that drive better decision-making and demystify product direction.

We’ll help you confidently move forward with development by drawing significant conclusions and providing breakthrough ideas – laying the foundations for your design strategy.

Design Output

Take your findings one step further. We act on research outcomes and convert them into tangible design deliverables.

This can take the form of a design workshop, wireframing, rapid prototyping, UX and other design-centric services to create the best possible user experience for your digital product.

Understand your users.
Win their attention.
Drive commercial success.

your users.
Win their attention.
Drive commercial success.

If you don’t understand who your users are and their needs, how can you ensure your app or product is successful? In a world where 81% of organisations are competing on customer experience alone, user research is no longer a luxury – it’s a necessity.

At Komodo, we offer research services that address your challenges and put your users at the centre. With research, you’ll have clear analysis and insights that help you make informed decisions on product strategy. Eliminate the guesswork and support your user’s needs to drive commercial success.

two peole have a user research workshop session
two peole have a user research workshop session
two peole have a user research workshop session

Tailored User Research Services

User research is a powerful tool. Done correctly, it will ensure your product moves in the right direction from the GO; meeting expectations and engaging your users. It can be performed at any stage – from the beginning of a brand-new product to a product that’s lost its way. Each time, it brings new insight and value.

But don’t just take our word at face value. Here’s the proof. From our work with Citizen’s Advice to innovative HealthTech startups – here are case studies, resources and testimonials to help showcase the value of our user research service.

an illustration of a graphical mark to bring some visual flair to the page
Two people having a conversation used to show the connection betwen the client and the case study
Two people having a conversation used to show the connection betwen the client and the case study
Two people having a conversation used to show the connection betwen the client and the case study

Laying Foundations for WitnessBox 2.0

Laying Foundations for WitnessBox 2.0

Discovering the main operational pain points to find design-centric solutions based on users’ experiences.

Discovering the main operational pain points to find design-centric solutions based on users’ experiences.

Catch up on our latest insights

Actionable insights and expert analysis straight from the brains at Komodo.

An illustration showing a collection of post it notes and a note book in reference to user research workshops

Catch up on our latest insights

Actionable insights and expert analysis straight from the brains at Komodo.

An illustration showing a collection of post it notes and a note book in reference to user research workshops

Catch up on our latest insights

Actionable insights and expert analysis straight from the brains at Komodo.

An illustration showing a collection of post it notes and a note book in reference to user research workshops